Providing pet food solutions for your pet's best health and well being.
Working closely with customers from around the world, we develop customised pet food solutions for the highest quality and best nutrition. Then we collaborate with key industry partners with whom we have cultivated superb relationships to ensure the perfect execution of these solutions. KDM pledges that every can, pouch, or cup we produce for our customers’ brands will deliver consistently outstanding meals for consumers’ cats or dogs. From our facilities in Bangkok, Thailand, we oversee every step for maximised quality control and a seamless supply chain, which means full customer satisfaction.
It is only through meeting and exceeding these stringent standards that we can meet our goal of being among Thailand’s premium pet food producers and exporters.
KDM Pet Food stands above other producers not just with superior quality. We make sure that every product is ideal for the ultimate consumer, the pets. Just as we have different dietary needs, so do pets – from a variety of species to different ages and developmental stages.